​The fact of having to spent so much time at home these days has made us rethink about the type of property we would like in the future. “Many miss to have an outdoor space where they can breathe, or perhaps a quieter place to work from home, or simply a better view,” José Ribes, CEO of Rimontgó, explaining a trend that will mark the future in the real estate market.

Since the confinement began, the demand in properties with balconies, terraces, nice views, or gardens have experienced an increase, according to Property Buyers by SomRIE.

And despites the forecast in RE prices decreasing a 5% – 10%, those properties that meet these features will be able to maintain its price.

Another type of house that has registered an increase in demand is the one located in the outskirts of large cities, surrounded by greener areas. The mantra” Location, location, location “on which the market has rely on during last years is no longer valid” confirms Fernando Encinar, co-founder of Idealista.com.